Reduce the monthly hassle with automatic bill pay and forgo the hassle of writing a monthly check for electricity.
This is a free service. You have two convenient options to sign up for auto-pay. The first option allows you to sign up for recurring monthly payments via the Smarthub portal or app (click on the Smarthub icon under Quick Information on the homepage.) To complete the second option, please fill out the authorization form using the link below. Then return that form to our office along with a voided check or savings deposit slip.
Your payment will be automatically made for you on the 21st. If the 21st falls on a weekend or holiday, the payment will be made on the previous business day. You will continue to receive your monthly statement, indicating the amount that will be withdrawn from your account.
Please call our office during business hours (Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) for more information or questions at 218-456-2139.